"La différence entre l'érotisme et la pornographie c'est la lumière". Bruce LaBruce

dimanche 20 décembre 2015

Al Parker

4 commentaires:

  1. I would just like to offer you the complements of the Season at the end of a very appreciated year from you. Among so many articles I was so grateful for your posting Antony Lopez a seemingly forgotten artist of such a magnificent talent sadly taken away from us so young. Also Scott Madsen was a breath of fresh air. As for Erte there were quite a few that I had never seen before-thanks for that. Also Stavrinos, it made me get that book out again buried away in a shelf. I could go on but you get the point.
    So, thank you once again and all the best for the New year.

    1. Merci beaucoup pour ce très gentil message. Ce sont des gens comme vous qui me stimulent et me donnent l'envie de donner encore plus. Je suis content que vous citiez Stravinos ou Lopez. Ce sont des post que j'ai beaucoup travaillés et que j'aime bien. Quand à Scott Madsen, c'est la première photo, durant mon adolescence qui m'a fait comprendre que j'aimais les hommes. I wisn you an happy New Year. Amitié, Snoopy
