Robert Lohman (1919-2001. Indiana, USA)
Robert Lohman, sculpteur et peintre a travaillé sur une variété de médias, y compris le bois, le plâtre, la peinture à l'huile, l'aquarelle, la céramique et le bronze. Il a étudié au John Herron Art Institute, à Cranbrook et à Yale. Il a enseigné à la Carl Milles Cranbrook Academy avant de devenir directeur des Beaux-Arts entre 1947 et 49. Il a également enseigné à l'Université Washington à St. Louis et à l' Indianapolis Art League pendant 10 ans.
Untitled print with nudes
Untitled male nudes
Reclining male nude
Nude male athlete
Nude males and dog
Dancers in the forest with male nude
Ethereal Figures
Untitled male nudes
Reclining male nude
Nude male athlete
Nude males and dog
Dancers in the forest with male nude
Ethereal Figures
Full Figure Nude
Nude Beach Scene
Three Male Nudes
Male Figure at Pub
Allegorical scene with nude male
The Sonnet male nude figure study
The Renaissance Artist surrealist Etching
Portrait Sketch of a Contemplative Young Man
Garden of Eden
African male nude ethereal dancers
African American figure study of a seated man
Abstract surreal male nude
Modern Grotesque Figure Paintings
Male Nudes figure study
The Renaissance Artist surrealist Etching
Portrait Sketch of a Contemplative Young Man
Garden of Eden
African male nude ethereal dancers
African American figure study of a seated man
Abstract surreal male nude
Modern Grotesque Figure Paintings
Male Nudes figure study