"La différence entre l'érotisme et la pornographie c'est la lumière". Bruce LaBruce

dimanche 29 mai 2016

Robert Mapplethorpe, 1946-1989. USA

Polaroid test shots, 1979-1989

2 commentaires:

  1. I want to say how happy that I am that you are back. I had a moment there where I thought that you had gone forever and that my favourite moring site was gone. I have to say the I am appreciating this Mapplethorpe series that you are mounting. This in no way distracts from the other sections, all of which I love, the colouring book today being an example as well as the posing movie. Thanks so much and continue with the great work. Oh and thanks for the Erte that I had never seen before.

  2. Battersby thank you very much, indeed I almost quit the site for personal worries. But ultimately I like it too. I welcome the examples you cite. it's the kind of things I like to find on the internet. We have the same tastes. Thank you to continue to follow me and thank you for your comment. (Excuse the google translation)
