"La différence entre l'érotisme et la pornographie c'est la lumière". Bruce LaBruce

lundi 18 décembre 2017

Stanley Stellar, USA

Javier Biosca

J. Brian, USA. Années 60

dimanche 17 décembre 2017

John Davies, 1946. Royaume-Uni

Dogman, 1972 Polyester resin, fibreglass and steel, 279 x 178 x 267 mm. Tate

Boris Taslitzky 1911-2005. France 

Riposte, 1951. Huile sur toile, 2100 x 3100 mm. Tate

Michael Bidner 

Frank, Paris 1990 

Keith Vaughan, 1912-1977. Royaume-Uni

Keith Vaughan par Francis Goodman, 16 January 1947

Drawing of two men washing, 1939-45. Graphite on paper. Tate Archive

Communication of Hate, 1943-6. Ink, watercolour paint, graphite and pastel on paper. Tate Archive

Drawing of a head of a young man with the facial planes strongly defined, 1947. Ink on paper, 150 x 204 mm. Tate Archive

Drawing of a seated male nude, 2 February 1949. Graphite on paper, 250 x 180 mm. Tate Archive

Drawing of an abstract headless male figure, 1943–6. Ink and watercolour paint on paper, 240 x 367 mm. Tate Archive

Drawing of two figures in a cabin with a stove, 1941-2. Ink and watercolour paint on paper. Tate Archive

Drawing of two figures sitting on a table and chair, 1956. Graphite on paper. Tate Archive

Line drawing of two figures, 1962-72. Graphite on paper, Tate Archive

Drawing of two men kissing, 1958-73. Graphite on paper, Tate Archive

vendredi 15 décembre 2017


Chuck Rybonski

 Don Silvas and Floyd Badgwell 

Ed Bowersox

Herb Lamm 

Ray Loop 

Wilhelm von Gloeden

Marcus Leatherdale 

Silent Scream 1992

Boris Grigoriev, 1886-1939. Russie

Portrait du fils de l'artiste, Cyril Grigoriev, vers 1931. Huile sur toile, 90.5 x 71 cm

Thomas Eakins, 1844 - 1916. USA

Two male nudes, vers 1884, Albumen silver print, 11.7 × 9.3 cm

Francis Gruber 1912–1948. France

Job, 1944. Huile sur toile, 1619 x 1299 mm. Tate

Paco Lafarga

Mel Odom