"La différence entre l'érotisme et la pornographie c'est la lumière". Bruce LaBruce

dimanche 6 mai 2012

Bruce of Los Angeles

Shaping up

Phil Knight

Bruce of Los Angeles en couleur

Alex Aronis

Alex Aronis

Ben Montgomery

Bill Lamm

Bob Mucci

David Anderson

Don Fuller et Joe Littel, 1957

Drew Burton and Paul Strand

Emil Swoboda

Emil Swoboda

Gene Shuey and Tommy Winn

Jeremiah Horrigan, 1964

Jim Pappa and Carl Schiedow

Joe Littel, 1957

Johnny Nogar, 1961

Mark Edwards, 1973

Mark Edwards, 1973

Mike Sill

Model Uknown, Circa 1950's

Model Uknown, Circa 1950's

Rlee Brewer

Scott Cunningham, 1966
Retour sur...Bruce of Los Angeles (1909-1974. U.S.A)

Bill Brinkley and Pepper Gomez

Dick Dene

Dick Dene

Carl Savoie

Joe Napolie

George Towers

Retour sur...Bob Mizer. AMG

ENCHANTED BOX. Dennis Lavia & Bobby Robinson

John West and John Krivos

The Life and Boys of AMG's Bob Mizer.

 Dian Hanson. September 2009